How to apply for social assistance | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

How to apply for social assistance

Apply for social assistance in OmaKela

  1. First, use our online calculator to estimate if you or your family may be entitled to social assistance. The calculator is available in Finnish and Swedish. Go to the calculator.
  2. Apply for social assistance in OmaKela. Please note that the e-service is available in Finnish and Swedish only.
  3. Save the supporting documents in pdf format to your computer or mobile device, or take photographs of the documents. Send them in OmaKela. We need
  4. We will review your social assistance application within seven working days (Monday to Friday) of receiving it and all the necessary supporting documents. Read more about application processing times.
  5. Visit OmaKela to see if your application has been processed, how much benefit you will get and when it will be paid. You will also see reminders to submit any missing supporting documents.
  6. You will receive the decision in OmaKela. The decision notice will also be sent to your home address unless you have opted out of paper mail.

Apply for social assistance

Log in to OmaKela

You can also log in to OmaKela on the customer computers at our service points. Most of Kela’s service points have computers, scanners and printers for customer use, and we provide guidance on how to use them.

If you cannot use OmaKela

If you cannot use OmaKela, send your application to Kela by post. Save the social assistance application form TO1e (pdf) to your device and fill it in after saving it. Print out the form and send it and any supporting documents to Kela, PL 10, 00056 KELA or hand them in at a Kela service point.

If you send supporting documents by post after you have submitted your application, enclose the form Accompanying form concerning expenses TO 3e (pdf). If you do not have the TO3e form, write your personal identity code on each document and make a note on it that it concerns social assistance.

If you cannot apply for social assistance in OmaKela or on a paper form, you can do so verbally. Call Kela’s customer service number 020 634 2550 or visit a Kela service point.

Your right to a personal consultation with a Kela staff member

If you or your family would like to talk to a Kela staff member about social assistance, call Kela's customer service at 020 634 2550 or visit a Kela service point. If you wish, we can book a telephone appointment for you or an appointment at a service point. You can also book a telephone appointment yourself. We will arrange a time for a consultation within 7 working days.

Do you or your family want to talk about your situation with someone from the social welfare services, for instance a social worker or counsellor? If you do, you can ask us to contact the social services of your wellbeing services county, or you can contact them yourself. You can also ask for a joint consultation with Kela and the wellbeing services county.

We may provide information about you to the social services of your wellbeing services county for the purpose of assessing your need for social welfare support or to investigate the need for child protection services or an elderly person’s need for support. We may also share certain information on a young person under the age of 29 with that person’s wellbeing services county for the purpose of outreach youth work and if we estimate that the person needs help to gain access to services or other support.

The social services of the wellbeing services counties also provide information to Kela when the information is needed to for the processing of social assistance applications.

Things to remember when applying for social assistance

Social assistance is a family-specific benefit. If you have a partner, either one of you can make an application for your family.

If your family includes children over the age of 18, they must apply for social assistance with their own applications, even if they are still living at home with you.

People who live in the same household but are not a family (for example roommates) must each file their own application.

If the person applying for social assistance has been declared legally incompetent due to reasons such as a medical condition or old age, they can either apply for social assistance themselves or an application can be submitted on their behalf by their legal guardian or representative or by someone who looks after the person.

We generally grant social assistance from the beginning of the month when we received the application or the following month. Social assistance is usually granted for a period of 1–2 months at a time.

When you are applying for social assistance for one month

When you are applying for social assistance for one month, you should state the first day of the month as the starting date and the last day of the month as the end date, for instance 1.12–31.12.

In exceptional situations we can grant social assistance retroactively. Examples of such situations include hospitalisation or a threat of eviction. You must justify why you are applying for social assistance retroactively.

If you have expenses that you cannot get social assistance for from Kela, the social services of your wellbeing services county may grant you supplementary or preventive social assistance.

If you are in urgent need of social assistance due to your current situation, call Kela’s customer service number 020 634 2550 or visit a Kela service point.

Do you still have questions? 

Call Kela’s customer service.

020 634 2550
020 634 2550

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Last modified 6/2/2025