How to apply for basic social assistance | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

How to apply for basic social assistance

  1. Apply for basic social assistance online. Please note that the e-service is available in Finnish and Swedish only.
  2. Scan or take a photo of any supporting documents and send them online. Enclose the following with the application:
    • documentation about the expenses you are declaring (copies of receipts or invoices for which you are requesting basic social assistance)
    • bank account statements for the last two months (new application)
    • form Income statement TO4e (PDF) and supporting documents if you are self-employed.

      Kela obtains salary information from the national incomes register. Kela receives information needed for the processing of applications for basic social assistance also directly from other authorities, such as the Tax Administration. Kela uses this data when processing claims and applications. You will be contacted if additional information is required.
  3. As appropriate, also enclose the following documents unless you have presented them to Kela earlier: You can submit all required documents through Kela's e-service system or by mail.
    • copy of the rental or right-of-occupancy agreement.
    • documents showing the amounts of rent/maintenance fee or water/sauna charges unless shown in the rental or right-of-occupancy agreement
      • Please note: Kela receives rental information from these landlords electronically. If your landlord is on the list, you do not have to submit documentation regarding the residential details.
      • Kela has the right to receive information about the lease and residence needed for the processing of applications for basic social assistance from landlords and housing cooperatives or real estate corporations.
    • form Application for Rental security deposit (TO2e, PDF) along with supporting documents if you are applying for help with the rental security deposit
    • statement showing the monthly payments of interest and principal on your housing loan
    • statement from the creditor showing the amount of housing debt or an account statement showing the loan number, outstanding amount, purpose and interest rate percentage.
    • home insurance policy
    • information about other property and assets such as investment fund shares
    • copy of payment plan issued by the enforcement authorities
    • an agreement confirmed by the municipal authorities or wellbeing services county or a court decision on the right of access and maintenance of a child
    • copy of estate inventory deed if you or your family member are a party to an estate.
  4. If you send the supporting documents by post after you have submitted your application, use the Accompanying form concerning expenses TO3e (PDF). If you are unable to enclose the TO3e form, write your personal identity code on each document. If it is a bill, make a note on it that it concerns social assistance. Also indicate on the bill if Kela should pay it directly or transfer money into your account for you to pay the bill yourself. That way Kela will be able to link each document to your application details. Keep the original and send a copy of it to Kela. Read more about bills
  5. Kela will usually review your application within seven working days (Monday to Friday) of receiving it along with all the necessary supporting documents. Visit our e-service to see if your application has been decided, how much you will get and when you will be paid. You can also see any possible reminders concerning, for instance, documents missing from your application. You will receive the decision in the OmaKela e-service or by post to your home address. Decisions that contain a voucher that must be sent by post will in any case still be mailed to you.

Alternatively, you can complete and print out the application form for Social assistance TO1e (PDF). Mail your application along with the supporting documents to Kela, PL 10, 00056 KELA.

If you have expenses for which you cannot get basic social assistance, you may be able to get supplemental or preventive social assistance from your wellbeing services county. Enter these expenses under ‘Additional information” on the application form. At your request, Kela can pass this information on to the wellbeing services county.

Apply for basic social assistance online

Apply for benefits

Renewing an application

If you continue to need help immediately after having received basic social assistance, you can apply for it via Kela's e-service or on the TO1e form (PDF). If there is a change in your income or other circumstances, be sure to tell Kela about that. Read more about how to report changes in your circumstances.

Verbal application

If you cannot apply for basic social assistance online or on a paper form, you can do so verbally. Contact Kela's customer service at 020 634 2550 or a Kela's customer service point.

When to apply

Basic social assistance is usually granted from the beginning of the month of application or the following month. The assistance is usually granted for a period of 1–2 months at a time.

Basic social assistance is usually granted for a whole month. When you are applying for assistance for one month, you should state the first day of the month as the starting date in the application and the last day of the month as the end date, for instance 1.12–31.12.

In exceptional situations it can be granted retroactively. Such situations are for example the threat of eviction or hospitalisation. You must provide good reasons why the assistance should be granted retroactively.

Processing times for applications

Please make sure to complete the application carefully. Attach all necessary documentation. This will speed up the processing of your case. Kela will usually deal with your application within seven working days (Monday to Friday) of receiving your application and all necessary supporting documents.

Urgent situations

If you need basic social assistance urgently because of your situation, call Kela's customer service at 020 634 2550 or visit a Kela service point. Urgent situations include for example if you are threatened with eviction or if you have been released from hospital and need medicine urgently.

Kela evaluates if your need for assistance is urgent. If your application is considered urgent, it will be decided on the day it arrived or the following working day.

If possible, make an application for social assistance in OmaKela and submit the relevant supporting documents before contacting Kela’s customer service. If you have submitted your application and the supporting documents before calling, it will speed up the processing of the matter. 

Who can apply for basic social assistance?

  • Basic social assistance is a family-specific benefit. If you have a spouse or partner, either one of you can make an application for both of you. Kela grants the assistance to the entire family but in the applicant’s name.
  • Legally incompetent persons can apply for basic social assistance themselves or an application can be submitted on their behalf by their legal guardian or representative or by someone who looks after the person (such as a grandparent).
  • If two friends share a household but do not constitute a family, they must each file their own application.

Personal consultation with a Kela counsellor

If you or your family would like to talk to a Kela counsellor about basic social assistance, call Kela's customer service at 020 634 2550 or contact a Kela office. If needed, a customer service advisor can schedule an appointment for you, or you can do so yourself at

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Last modified 27/8/2024