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Sickness allowance

Sickness allowance provides compensation for loss of income resulting from a period of disability lasting less than 12 months.

Sickness allowance will be paid after the completion of a waiting period. The waiting period usually consists of the first day of illness and the following nine working days. 

Sickness allowance is paid for a maximum of 300 working days (approximately a year). It can be paid until the end of the month preceding the month in which you would reach the 300-day limit.

All days from the past two years on which you had the right to sickness allowance will count towards the total time for which you can get sickness allowance. However, if you have been fit for work for a continuous period of 12 months over the past two years, the sickness allowance days that precede this period will not be taken into account in the calculation of the maximum period.

Can I get sickness allowance?

You can get sickness allowance if you are 18–67 years old and you cannot do your usual work due to illness. If you were born in 2008 or earlier, the minimum age is 16 years.

Kela will take into account the work you did immediately before you became ill when assessing whether you are unfit for work.

Being ill and being unfit for work are two different things. In order to get sickness allowance, you must be unfit for work. If necessary, Kela will consult its medical advisers, who specialise in insurance medicine, when deciding on your sickness allowance. Based on a statement from your doctor, the medical advisers will evaluate your fitness for work and functional status, as well as whether you are unfit for work within the meaning of the law.

You can get sickness allowance if you cannot do your work due to illness. You may also get sickness allowance if you have two or more jobs and have to stop working in some of them due to your illness.

If your employer continues to pay you a salary while you are absent from work (sick pay), your employer will usually apply for sickness allowance on your behalf. In such cases, Kela will pay the sickness allowance to your employer. If you get sick pay from several employers during your sick leave, the allowance will be divided among them in proportion to the payments they have made to you.

If your sick leave continues after your employer has stopped paying you sick pay or if your employer does not pay you sick pay in the first place, Kela will pay the sickness allowance directly to you. If the amount of sick pay provided by your employer is smaller than the sickness allowance, Kela will pay the difference to you.

The duration of paid sick leave is defined in industry-specific collective agreements. For more information about paid sick leave, contact the person responsible for pay and compensation matters at your workplace.

Self-employed persons

Self-employed persons can get sickness allowance. You can get sickness allowance even if your income is so low that you are not obliged to take out self-employed persons’ pension insurance (YEL) or farmers’ pension insurance (MYEL).

If you have a valid YEL insurance policy in place when you become unfit for work, you may have the right to YEL allowance for the duration of the waiting period required to qualify for sickness allowance.

If you have a valid MYEL insurance policy in place when you become unfit for work, you may have the right to Mela sickness allowance for the duration of the waiting period required to qualify for sickness allowance. We will forward your application for Mela sickness allowance to Mela ( on your behalf.

If you are insured under both schemes, you can be paid both allowances.

Grant recipients

If you are paid a grant or scholarship, you may be eligible for sickness allowance if your illness prevents you from carrying out the work for which you were awarded the grant or scholarship.

If you have a valid MYEL insurance policy in place when you become unfit for work, you may be entitled to Mela sickness allowance for the duration of the waiting period required to qualify for sickness allowance. We will forward your application for Mela sickness allowance to Mela on your behalf.

You can get sickness allowance if you fall ill while you are registered as an unemployed jobseeker. You can be paid unemployment benefits for the duration of the waiting period required to qualify for sickness allowance.

If you apply for sickness allowance, stay registered as an active jobseeker with the employment services. This way you will not lose your unemployment benefits.

When processing your application for sickness allowance, Kela will assess your work capacity against the job you had before you became unemployed or a closely comparable job. If you have been unemployed for a long time, your work capacity can be assessed against some other job you are qualified for in terms of education or from which you have work experience.

Receiving sickness allowance does not count against the 400-day maximum limit for basic or earnings-related unemployment allowance.

You can get sickness allowance if you fall ill during your studies.

You remain eligible for student financial aid for any calendar month in which you are paid sickness allowance for 17 days or less. In such case, your study grant will be deducted from your sickness allowance. You will stop receiving financial aid from the beginning of the month in which you receive sickness allowance for 18 days or more.

A short illness and diminished academic performance do not prevent you from receiving financial aid. You can continue studying to a small extent even while you are being paid sickness allowance.

Working while studying

If you work while you are studying and go on paid sick leave, Kela will pay the sickness allowance to your employer up to the amount of sick pay you receive from your employer. If the sickness allowance is paid entirely to your employer, you still have the right to student financial aid even if your employer is paid the allowance for 18 days or longer.

Read more about how illness can affect your financial aid

You can get sickness allowance if you fall ill during your parental leave or child care leave. When processing your application for sickness allowance, Kela will assess your work capacity against the work you did before your leave began. If you do other work during your leave, Kela will assess your work capacity against this work instead.

If you are on child care leave, your work capacity will be assessed against your capacity to manage your household and care for your children.

If the birthing parent falls so ill while receiving pregnancy allowance that they are unable to care for the child, the other parent may stay at home to look after the child and use days of parental allowance to do so. In such case, the birthing parent can get sickness allowance from Kela.

You cannot be paid pregnancy allowance, special pregnancy allowance, parental allowance or partial parental allowance while you are being paid sickness allowance.

How long you remain unfit for work and whether you are paid sickness allowance may affect your right to child care allowances. Your illness may also affect your right to partial care allowance. If you fall ill while being paid any form of child care allowance, please call Kela. Kela will check whether your illness will affect the allowances you get.

Sickness allowance counts as income and affects any child home care or private day care allowances you may be receiving. Sickness allowance may also reduce the amount of any income-tested care supplement you may be receiving.

You can get benefits from Kela if your child falls ill and you stay at home to care for them.

If you are under 68 years of age and you are paid a pension while being gainfully employed at the same time, you may have the right to sickness allowance.


You cannot get sickness allowance during your military service.

Persons on job alternation leave

You can apply for sickness allowance if you fall ill while on job alternation leave. When processing your application for sickness allowance, Kela will assess your work capacity against the work you did before your leave began. If you do other work during your leave, Kela will assess your work capacity against this work instead.

Informal caregivers and family caregivers

You can get sickness allowance if you fall ill while serving as an informal caregiver or a family caregiver. When processing your application for sickness allowance, Kela will assess your work capacity against the care you have been providing.

Managing your own household

You can get sickness allowance even if you are not employed, a self-employed person, a student or an unemployed jobseeker and even if none of the life situations described above apply to your situation. If there is no other point of comparison available, Kela will assess your work capacity against how you manage your own household.

Moving to Finland from another country

If you move to Finland from another country, your right to sickness allowance will be determined based on whether you are living in Finland permanently or working in Finland and on your reason for moving to Finland.

If you get sickness allowance from another EU or EEA country or Switzerland, your country of origin will probably pay the benefit to the end of the payment period even if you move to Finland.

Moving abroad from Finland

Your right to sickness allowance may be affected if you move to another country from Finland. Kela will assess your right to sickness allowance based on how long you will be staying abroad, your country of destination, and your reason for leaving Finland.

If you have been granted sickness allowance and you move to another EU or EEA country or Switzerland during the sickness allowance period, Kela will continue paying the allowance despite your move. You will continue receiving sickness allowance until the end of the payment period. 

If you move to some other country than an EU or EEA country or Switzerland while being paid sickness allowance and you lose your right to Kela benefits, the last day you will get sickness allowance is the day you move away from Finland. If you move away from Finland before your sickness allowance period begins and you lose your right to Kela benefits, you will not get any sickness allowance payments.

Maximum payment period reached – when can I get sickness allowance again?

If you reach the maximum payment period for sickness allowance (300 days), you must be fit for work for at least one year before you can get sickness allowance again for the same illness.

However, if you return to work after you have been paid sickness allowance for the maximum period and work for a continuous period of at least 30 calendar days, you can get an additional 50 days of sickness allowance.

During the period of 30 calendar days, you can have your usual days of weekly leave and other comparable standard breaks from work, such as weekends, mid-week holidays and shift-related days off. On the other hand, other leave or absences such as annual leave, accrued days off or absences that are caused by your own or your child’s illness will interrupt the continuous 30-day period of work.

If you fall ill with a completely new illness after you have reached the maximum period of sickness allowance, you can get sickness allowance even if you have been fit for work for less than a year. Your illness will be considered a new illness if it did not make you unfit for work during the previous sickness allowance period.

How much sickness allowance can I get?

The amount of sickness allowance you can get is based on your annual income.

If you have no income or your income does not exceed EUR 1,716 per year, you will receive the minimum rate of allowance.

The minimum rate is
EUR 31.99 per working day

Click here for examples of sickness allowance.

Estimate the amount of the sickness allowance using a calculator.

Go to the calculator (in Finnish and Swedish)

Waiting period

You can get sickness allowance only after you have been unfit for work for a period of time that exceeds the waiting period.

The waiting period is defined as follows:

  • the first day of illness and the following nine working days
  • only the first day of illness if you become unfit for work again for the same reason within 30 calendar days of the end of your previous sickness allowance or partial sickness allowance period.

There is no waiting period if the disability entitling you to sickness allowance starts or continues immediately after a preceding period of sickness allowance, partial sickness allowance or rehabilitation allowance.

YEL allowance or Mela sickness allowance during the waiting period

You can get a daily allowance under the YEL Act or sickness allowance paid by Mela for the duration of the waiting period required to qualify for the sickness allowance paid by Kela if you are a self-employed person and you are insured under the self-employed persons’ (YEL) or farmers’ (MYEL) pension insurance scheme. If you are insured under both schemes, you can be paid both allowances for the duration of the waiting period that applies to sickness allowance from Kela.

The waiting period that applies to the YEL allowance is the first day of illness.

The waiting period that applies to the sickness allowance paid by Mela is the first day of illness and the following three calendar days.


Sickness allowance is paid for working days.

The first instalment of sickness allowance will be paid after six working days and the following after 25 working days. Visit Kela’s e-service OmaKela (available in Finnish and Swedish) to check the next payment date for your sickness allowance.

Impact on other benefits and compensations

Sickness allowance may affect other benefits and compensations paid during the same period.

You may have to apply for sickness allowance before you can be granted other benefits or compensations. This means that other benefits or compensations will be paid only to the extent that there remains any to be paid for the same period of time after deducting the amount of sickness allowance paid to you.

Receiving sickness allowance may also prevent you from being granted other benefits or compensations. This means that the other benefits or compensations cannot be granted to you or that you will stop receiving them as soon as you start receiving sickness allowance.

Other benefits and compensations paid during the same period of time may also affect your sickness allowance. Receiving other benefits or compensations may prevent you from receiving sickness allowance. This means that sickness allowance cannot be granted to you or that you will stop receiving it as soon as you start receiving the other benefit or compensation.

Other benefits may also take precedence, which means that you will have to apply for these benefits or compensations before you can receive sickness allowance. Where this is the case, you will only be paid the part of your sickness allowance that exceeds the amount of the other benefits or compensations granted to you.

Kela will deduct from your sickness allowance other benefits and compensations that are paid for the same period of time and on account of the same disability if they have been granted to you on account of the following:

  • an employment accident, occupational disease or traffic accident
  • an accident that occurred or a service-related illness that arose during military or non-military service or crisis management duties.

If you are unfit for work for any of the above reasons, you should contact your insurance provider first to apply for compensation for loss of income. If you are injured or contract a service-related illness during military or non-military service or crisis management duties, apply for compensation from the State Treasury.

If the processing of the matter is delayed at your insurance provider, you can apply for sickness allowance from Kela. Ask your insurance provider to issue a certificate of delay for Kela so that Kela can process your application for sickness allowance.

Partial disability pension

  • Partial disability pension will affect the amount of sickness allowance paid to you under certain conditions.
  • Your partial disability pension will be deducted from your sickness allowance in certain situations. When you began receiving your pension and whether it will continue to be paid for the same period as your sickness allowance will affect whether your pension will be deducted from your sickness allowance.

Old-age pension, early old-age pension, part-time pension, years-of-service pension or guarantee pension

  • If you are paid one of these pensions, you generally do not have the right to sickness allowance.
  • You may, however, have the right to sickness allowance if you are under 68 years of age and you were working immediately before you became unfit for work while receiving your pension at the same time. If this is the case, your allowance will be determined based on the annual income you have been paid during your retirement.

Full disability pension

  • If you are paid this pension, you generally do not have the right to sickness allowance.
  • You may, however, have the right to sickness allowance if you are under 68 years of age and you were working immediately before you became unfit for work while receiving your pension at the same time. This applies also if your disability pension was granted on the basis of blindness or a mobility disability. If this is the case, your allowance will be determined based on the annual income you have been paid during your retirement.
  • If you were granted disability pension on the basis of blindness or a mobility disability, your disability pension will not affect the amount of sickness allowance.

Partial early old-age pension

  • This pension will not prevent you from being granted sickness allowance or affect its amount.

Rehabilitation allowance, partial rehabilitation allowance and discretionary rehabilitation assistance

  • You do not have the right to sickness allowance if you get one of these benefits.

Compensation for loss of income paid by an insurance company during rehabilitation

  • You do not have the right to sickness allowance if you are paid this kind of compensation (only applies to compensation paid under the Employment Accidents Insurance Act, the Motor Liability Insurance Act or the Military Accidents Act).

Daily allowances for parents

Unemployment benefits

  • Not payable at the same time as sickness allowance. You can be paid unemployment benefits for the duration of the waiting period required to qualify for sickness allowance.

Financial aid for students

  • Financial aid payments will be deducted from your sickness allowance until you are paid sickness allowance for 18 days or more in a calendar month. Financial aid will be discontinued if you have fewer than 18 days of active study in a calendar month.

Prolonged illness

Returning to work, school or the labour market after a short sick leave is generally not a problem. However, a longer absence may require more detailed planning.              

The employee’s situation is reviewed several times during the sickness allowance period. The goal is to encourage the employee, the employer and occupational healthcare providers to work together to assess the employee’s work capacity and rehabilitation needs and help the employee return to work at an early stage. These reviews and support measures are also intended to prevent prolonged sick leave and the employee transitioning to disability pension.

Reviews are conducted at the 30-, 60-, 90-, 150-, and 230-day mark during the sickness allowance period.

Your employer will notify your occupational healthcare provider about your absence once you have been off work for health reasons for 30 days.

You should remain in contact with your workplace even during a lengthy sick leave. Talk to your employer about the required arrangements. You should also think about how your employer could support your capacity for work and discuss it with your employer. That way any accommodations that could support your return to work, such as changes in your schedule or responsibilities, can be made flexibly.

Discuss your return to work with your occupational healthcare provider as well. Your employer and your occupational healthcare provider will work together with you to draw up a plan for your return to work.

Kela will assess your need for rehabilitation when processing your application for sickness allowance at the latest once you have been paid sickness allowance for 60 working days. At that point, you will also receive a letter from Kela telling you about various rehabilitation options and rehabilitation providers.

In the event of a prolonged illness, you will need a statement from your occupational health doctor about whether you can continue working. Your occupational health doctor will evaluate your remaining capacity for work. Your employer and occupational healthcare provider will work together with you to assess your ability to continue working.

Your occupational healthcare provider must submit a statement to Kela at the latest once you have been paid sickness allowance for 90 working days. If your occupational healthcare provider has not submitted a statement to Kela, you can submit it yourself. The payment of sickness allowance can be suspended if the statement is not submitted to Kela.

If you are not an employee, you do not need to submit a statement issued by an occupational healthcare provider.

If necessary, Kela will assess your need for rehabilitation when processing your application for sickness allowance once you have been paid sickness allowance for a period of 150 and 230 days.

Once you have been paid sickness allowance for 150 working days, Kela will send you a letter with rehabilitation options and instructions on how to apply for a disability pension.

If necessary, your occupational healthcare provider can also assess your ability to continue working once you have been paid sickness allowance for a period of 150 and 230 working days. If your occupational healthcare provider has issued this kind of statement, the provider must submit it to Kela. If your occupational healthcare provider has not submitted a statement to Kela, you can submit it yourself. The lack of a statement will not, however, prevent you from continuing to get sickness allowance.

Options for supporting your return to work

Kela and other organisations offer various options that can support your return to work, such as rehabilitation.

Partial sickness allowance

If you are an employee or a self-employed person, you can work part-time while receiving a partial sickness allowance for a maximum period of 150 working days.

Rehabilitation arranged by Kela

You can apply for rehabilitation even if Kela or your occupational healthcare provider has not suggested it to you. If you feel like you need rehabilitation, see your occupational health doctor or personal doctor first. Once you have received a statement from your doctor recommending rehabilitation, you can apply for rehabilitation from Kela.

Kela provides access to

You can get rehabilitation allowance for the duration of your rehabilitation.

Authorised pension providers

Authorised pension providers can provide vocational rehabilitation to persons with a longer history of employment (approximately five years) for example in the form of retraining and services that support work capacity.

Authorised pension providers also pay out partial disability pension, rehabilitation subsidy and disability pension.

Insurance companies

Insurance companies will pay compensation for rehabilitation costs if the need for rehabilitation arises as a result of an employment accident, an occupational disease or a traffic injury.

Municipal employment services

Municipalities are responsible for providing employment services, career counselling and access to training intended to improve employment prospects to unemployed jobseekers.

How to apply for sickness allowance

You can apply for sickness allowance either on a form or in the OmaKela e-service. OmaKela is currently only available in Finnish and Swedish. Kela’s forms are also available in English.

Apply in OmaKela

  1. Apply for sickness allowance in the OmaKela e-service. Please note that the e-service is available in Finnish and Swedish only.

  2. Take photographs of the supporting documents and send them in the OmaKela e-service. Necessary documentation.

  3. Visit the OmaKela e-service to see if your application has been decided, how much you will get and when your benefits will be paid. You will also see reminders to submit any missing supporting documents. The decision notice will also be sent to your home address unless you have opted out of paper mail.

Apply on a form

  1. Enclose additional documents in support of the application as necessary. The application form includes information on which supporting documents you need.
  2. Send the application and any supporting documents by mail. The address is Kela, PL 10, 00056 KELA.
  3. Visit OmaKela to see if your application has been decided, how much you will get and when your benefit will be paid. The decision notice will also be sent to your home address unless you have opted out of paper mail.

The decision notice is only in Finnish or Swedish. If you need help with something, you can call one of our English language customer service numbers.

Things to remember when you apply for sickness allowance

If you become unable to work because of an illness, you should apply for sickness allowance within the next two months.

  • A medical certificate A (an A certificate) or a medical statement B (a B statement). As a rule, you can get a maximum of 60 working days of sickness allowance with an A certificate. You will then need a B statement or some other statement regarding your inability to work. You may be asked to provide further documentation even before the 60-day period is over.
  • If you have sustained an injury in a traffic accident or other incident or if you have an occupational disease, you can submit the requested information in the OmaKela e-service or enclose the form Accident report SV 143e (PDF) with your application. 
    • If you have been injured in an accident or other incident or if you have an occupational disease, you must also enclose your insurance company’s decision or a certificate of delay with your application.


If you have more than one job, you must provide information on all of your jobs and work duties. State in your application which jobs you have been unable to do due to your illness and which jobs you have been able to continue.

You must enclose an assessment of your ability to continue working issued by your occupational healthcare provider with your application at the latest once you have been paid sickness allowance for 90 working days. If your occupational healthcare provider has not submitted such a statement to Kela, you can submit it yourself in the OmaKela e-service (available in Finnish and Swedish only) or by post.

If necessary, Kela will ask you to provide further information or to submit an application. Visit the OmaKela e-service if you want to see the information your employer has provided to Kela. You will also receive a written notice of the decision Kela has made based on the application your employer has submitted.

Unemployed persons

State in your application what kind of work you did before you became unemployed and which type of job you are applying for. List the same industries and jobs in your application that you have listed in your job search plan drawn up together with the help of employment services or TE services.

Provide a medical certificate of your inability to work to Kela and notify your municipality’s employment services of your illness. Note the days you have been unable to work due to your illness in your unemployment status report as well. Keep submitting unemployment status reports until you receive a decision on your sickness allowance.

Self-employed persons and grant recipients

If you are a self-employed person and you are insured under the self-employed persons’ (YEL) or farmers’ (MYEL) pension insurance scheme, note in your application if you want to apply for YEL allowance or Mela sickness allowance for the duration of the waiting period that applies to the sickness allowance paid by Kela. We will forward your application for Mela sickness allowance to Mela on your behalf.

If you are a grant recipient, please name the organisation that pays your grant and provide a description of the work you do with the help of the grant in your application. Also explain how your illness prevents you from doing this work.

Persons on job alternation leave, parental leave or child care leave

State in your application what kind of job you did before you went on leave and describe your work duties. If you work somewhere else during your leave, describe your duties at this job in your application.

If you are on child care leave, describe in your application what arrangements have been made with regard to your household and child care tasks for the duration of your illness.

Informal caregivers and family caregivers

Describe in your application what duties you have as a caregiver or care provider and explain what arrangements have been made to ensure the care of your family member or the person in family care during your illness.

Managing your own household

If you manage your own household, describe in your application the tasks involved and explain how your illness prevents you from managing your household.

You do not need to submit a new application if you become unable to work again within 30 calendar days of the end of the previous sickness allowance period. You can renew your application by sending in a medical certificate or statement as an attachment in the OmaKela e-service. 

Apply for an extension to your sickness allowance within two months of the date on which you became unable to work again.

You must notify Kela of any changes in your circumstances that could affect the amount of your sickness allowance or your right to get it.

Notify Kela if

  • you start working while you are being paid sickness allowance
  • you move abroad
  • you are a student and you begin to study on a full-time basis
  • your employment income under the YEL Pensions Act or MYEL Pension Act changes and this change applies to the time before your sickness allowance period.

In this way, the benefit is paid to the correct amount and you also do not lose any benefit due to you.

If you do not notify Kela of the changes, you may be paid benefits you do not have the right to. In that case, the benefits will be recovered from you later.

If your circumstances change, be sure to check how these changes could affect other benefits that you get from Kela. 

Do you still have questions?

Call Kela’s customer service.

020 634 2650
020 634 2650

What else is going on in your life?

  • Do you have a long-term illness or a disability diagnosed by a doctor?

    Find out if you qualify for disability allowance.

  • Do you need rehabilitation?

    Rehabilitation will help you live a full life with your illness or disability, continue working or return to work.

  • Do you need to travel to access healthcare services?

    You may have the right to a reimbursement of your travel costs if you have to travel to access healthcare services due to illness or rehabilitation.

Last modified 28/3/2025