International situations and disability allowance for adults | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

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Disability benefits in international situations

Disability allowance for persons aged 16 years or over

If you have lived abroad or if you move abroad

Disability allowance is usually paid to persons who are covered under the Finnish social security system. If you have moved to Finland from another country, disability allowance can usually not be granted until you have lived in Finland for 3 years. If you have lived in another EU or EEA country or in Switzerland, the insurance periods in these countries can be included. 

Even if you are a family member of a person who is insured in Finland, this usually does not on its own give entitlement to disability allowance for persons aged 16 years or over.

Disability allowance can be paid abroad, if you live abroad and you are covered under the Finnish social security system. You may be entitled to disability allowance from Finland if you stay abroad temporarily, i.e. for a maximum of 6 months. Disability allowance can be awarded and paid to a person who lives abroad also on the basis of the EC Regulations on social security.

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Last modified 12/9/2024