Nuoren elo course | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

Nuoren elo: Rehabilitation course for young persons with diagnosed depression or anxiety disorder

The Nuoren elo course is suitable for you, if

  • you are between 16 and 29 years of age
  • you have been diagnosed with mild or moderate depression or an anxiety disorder
  • your ability to work or study is reduced by a mental disorder
  • you want to participate in rehabilitation that is arranged as both face-to-face sessions and telerehabilitation.

The Nuoren elo course is not suitable for you, if

  •  you have a severe mental health disorder such as severe depression or severe mental health symptoms
  • you have an untreated substance abuse problem
  • you have not made it a goal to start school or work or to continuing working.

A Swedish-language course is arranged as telerehabilitation. 

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Purpose of the course

The aim of the course is to provide support and guidance and to help you cope in everyday life. The course aims to increase your resources and skills so that you are able to participate in a variety of activities in your own living environment.

Content of the course and implementation

The rehabilitation is implemented as group rehabilitation taking each client’s individual goal and need for rehabilitation into consideration.

The course includes group discussions and working in small groups, a variety of activities as well as individual interviews, meetings and discussions with rehabilitation experts.

The rehabilitation is arranged as a combination of face-to-face sessions and telerehabilitation. If necessary, the service provider will lend you the device needed for you to be able to participate in telerehabilitation. Participation does not require particular IT skills. The service provider will give you an introduction into telerehabilitation.

The rehabilitation consists of 5 face-to-face meetings that can take place on the service provider’s premises or in your everyday environment.

The telerehabilitation is arranged as:

  • online rehabilitation at a time suitable to you
  • days of group telerehabilitation that include videoconferencing and online rehabilitation. For the days of telerehabilitation, you can apply for rehabilitation allowance from Kela.

The service provider contacts you before and after the rehabilitation and between the rehabilitation periods.

An adult person close to the young client can participate in the face-to-face meetings according to mutual agreement.

Course personnel

The course is implemented by the following experts:

  • psychologist or psychotherapist
  • nurse or occupational therapist
  • social worker, Bachelor of Social Sciences or rehabilitation instructor.

Applying to a course

How to apply

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Last modified 20/2/2025