Pharmaceutical Database | About Kela | KelaSkip to content

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Notification of prices to the Pharmaceutical Database

Pharmaceutical Database is a part of the Kanta Services.

Established under legislation concerning electronic prescriptions, the Pharmaceutical Database contains up-to-date information needed to prescribe and dispense medicines. Pharmaca Health Intelligence Ltd has been contracted by Kela to ensure the technical maintenance of the Pharmaceutical Database.

The marketing authorisation holder, manufacturer or importer must notify price information to Pharmaca Health Intelligence Ltd. The information must be submitted no later than eight working days before the 1st and 15th day of each month by 4 p.m. at the latest. Pharmaca Health Intelligence Ltd has sent companies a detailed notification schedule and instructions on the submission procedure, which must be followed.

The prices used in the Pharmaceutical Database will be determined on the basis of the prices submitted by the deadline. The party submitting the price information is responsible for ensuring that it is correct.

The above schedule for price notifications does not concern the quarterly price notifications for substitutable medicinal products or those subject to the price notification procedure of the reference price system, for which Kela has given separate instructions.

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Last modified 11/11/2024