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Quick guide to the interpreting service for the disabled

Kela arranges interpreter service for the disabled. The quick guide gives an overview of the service.

For whom and for what purpose?

Needing interpretation because of an impairment

You can be granted interpreter service if you have a hearing impairment, vision and hearing impairment or speech impairment. You have access to a functioning communication method.

Interpreter service arranged by Kela is available free of charge

The Centre for Interpreting Services for the Disabled grants applicants the right to use the interpreter service and assigns interpreters.

Interpreter services available from other sources

Other authorities may in certain situations be required to arrange interpreter services for disabled persons. If you need interpreter service for instance for basic education, you should apply for this from the municipality.

Apply for the right

Apply for the right to use interpreter service

Complete the application and the customer information form carefully. Enclose a statement from an expert.

Kela grants a certain number of hours of interpreter service per year

On the basis of a hearing impairment or a speech impairment you can be granted at least 180 hours of interpreter service per year and on the basis of a vision and hearing impairment at least 360 hours per year.

Interpreter assistance for everyday situations

You can book an interpreter to help you in your work, studies, hobbies and errands. You can start using the service as soon as Kela has granted you the right to do so.

You also have a say in who will be your interpreter

If you start using a personal interpreter list, you can suggest interpreters for the list. Indicate on the customer information form whether you wish to use an interpreter list.

Do you need an interpreter for your studies?

First apply for the right to interpreter service for the disabled and then for the right to interpreter services for students.

Do you need interpreter service for a longer trip abroad?

First apply for the right to interpreter service for the disabled and then for the right to interpreter service for travel abroad. For short day trips, you do not have to apply separately for the right to interpreter service for travel abroad.

When necessary, apply for additional hours of interpreter service.

If the number of hours of interpreter service is not sufficient, you can apply for additional hours.

How to use the service

Kela can provide you guidance in how to use the service

If you need help in using the service, contact the Centre for Interpreting Services for the Disabled. You can have a family member, personal assistant or your speech therapist, for instance, join you when you are learning to use the service. You can get guidance even if you have already used the interpreter service.

Book an interpreter

Book an interpreter via the Centre for Interpreting Services for the Disabled

Book an interpreter as soon as you know that you need one.

Book an interpreter for studies

Interpreter services for students can be booked for one year at a time.

Book an interpreter for travel abroad

When you are granted the right to use an interpreter during foreign travel, you will also get information about your interpreter.

Kela assigns an interpreter to your booking

You may be asked for further details so that your booking can be assigned appropriately.

Report changes

Do you want to change or cancel a booking?

Inform the Centre for Interpreting Services for the Disabled in time if you want to change or cancel a booking.

Changes to customer information

Always inform the Centre for Interpreting Services for the Disabled if your contact details or your communications methods change.

Last modified 10/2/2025